Killer Facebook Ads: Master Cutting-Edge Facebook Advertising Techniques by Marty Weintraub (Book Review of the Week-ish)
Usually, the books I review cover strategic aspects of e-commerce and online marketing. Which makes Marty Weintraub’s “Killer Facebook Ads: Master Cutting-Edge Facebook Advertising Techniques” a bit of an anomaly.
But that’s OK.
There’s no question that Facebook remains both tantalizing and an enigma for many marketers. They know there’s “gold in them thar hills.” They just haven’t figured out how to get it out yet.
Read this book and you can expect that to change.
While Weintraub spends a little time explaining why you might want to market on Facebook, he assumes you’re already interested in advertising on Facebook—why buy a book called “Killer Facebook Ads” otherwise—and really just want to know how to make your advertising work better.
It’s a wise choice.
This book is a treasure trove detailing how to get the most out of Facebook Ads, whether you’re a novice at online advertising or an old hand. Each chapter covers one aspect of Facebook’s Ads platform and how to use those ads to reach the right customers, whether through improving your body copy, your headlines, or, most important, your targeting.
My favorite feature of Facebook Ads is their inherent targeting abilities. Weintraub recognizes this and more than delivers, spending two full chapters on the topic. Chapter 5, which Weintraub calls “…the crux of the book,” is worth the price of admission all by itself. And the detailed look into esoteric, but ultimately valuable techniques like Occupation Targeting and Country/Language/Interest combinations can make a huge difference in your results.
So, yes, “Killer Facebook Ads” is not focused on social marketing strategy. I say, in this case, don’t worry about it. If you’re planning on advertising on Facebook, you owe it to yourself to read those two chapters and the rest of the book, too. And, if you’re not planning to advertise on Facebook, read the book
and ask yourself, “Why not?”
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Technorati Tags: book review, book reviews, books, e-commerce, e-marketing, ecommerce, F-commerce, Facebook, facebook, Facebook Insights, Killer Facebook Ads, Killer Facebook Ads book review, Killer Facebook Ads by Marty Weintraub, Killer Facebook Ads by Marty Weintraub book review
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