Social Success, Succinctly Stated (Small Business E-commerce Link Digest – October 28, 2011)
Earlier this week, we looked at yet another reason why social media marketing is a good idea and how social commerce hides in plain sight. So, today, we’re rounding up links all about social commerce and social marketing success.
On with the links:
- Leading off, we’ve got PR Squared, who asks how many tweets it takes to impress the CEO. Kind of reminds me of my look at answering the tough questions about social media. But what’s really great is how PR Squared also looks at how top brands measure social media success. Nice.
- Epiphany Marketing has a solid piece that dives into promoting your brick and mortar business online.
- Church of the Customer offers excellent insights into how Nordstrom’s creates word of mouth success around the holidays. Even better, they suggest how you can, too.
- David Armano provides some great advice on the science behind making your posts shareable.
- Brian Solis, author of the excellent new book “The End of Business As Usual,”
wonders whether you’re building a social brand or a social business. Money quote? “The difference between a social brand and a social business is internal connectedness, preparedness, and collaborative approach to customer and employee engagement.” Good thinking and a great read.
And, finally, if you’ve ever wondered why your customers don’t buy from you online, check out this video. See if it feels familiar.
Hat tip to Rescue Marketing for the video link.
Have a great weekend everybody. See you right back here next week.
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Technorati Tags: blogging, blogs, books, E-commerce, e-commerce, E-commerce strategy, e-marketing, ecommerce, F-commerce, facebook, social, social commerce, social marketing, social media, social media predictions, Social Media Secrets, social search, social strategy, twitter
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Thanks for the shootout, Tim:)
Heh, shoot, shout, whichever:)
Hi Mark,
Thanks for reading and commenting. Keep up the great work on your blog!