Want to know more about what drives digital marketing, ecommerce, and digital transformation? Do you want your business to compete effectively in a landscape dominated by the Frightful Five (Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft)? Curious how businesses like Booking.com, OpenTable, Airbnb, and Uber used digital to connect with customers? Then you’ve come to the right place. Every week, the Thinks Out Loud Podcast explores what works in the worlds of ecommerce, digital marketing, digital transformation, and digital strategy.
Host Tim Peter offers an insightful look under the hood of some of the world’s top companies and helps you apply their strategies to your business — all in just 20 minutes or less. Why not check out the latest episodes right here — or subscribe in your favorite podcast app today.
Revisiting How to Build the Business Case for Digital in Your Budget (Thinks Out Loud)
Well, folks, I've got some bad news for you: Summer is over. Which means it's time to bear down for the rest of the year—and start planning for next year…
Revisiting You Get to Make it Better (Thinks Out Loud)
As we wind down the last days of summer and enjoy a few moments in the sun, here's a brief reminder that you get to make it better. Yes, there…
Revisiting "The Future of Content Marketing is Already Here"
Earlier this year, I responded to my good friend Mark Schaefer's post the other day about the future of content marketing, noting that "...across the board, Mark nailed it." That's…
"Touch Grass" (Thinks Out Loud Episode 358)
We're not just living through digital transformation, we're living through a massive transformation of our lives. A century ago, our grandparents and great grandparents lived through remarkable change with the…
Revisiting "Digital Transformation is All About Customers" (Thinks Out Loud)
Digital transformation is all about customers. You can't put it more plainly than that. Your customers carry the internet in their pockets — and more commonly, in their hands —…
The Sky is Falling for Digital… or Is It? Big Tech’s Earnings Q2 2022 (Thinks Out Loud Episode 357)
It's earnings season once again. And, as always, we're taking a look at what Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft — the AGFAM; Big Tech — have to say about…