Want to know more about what drives digital marketing, ecommerce, and digital transformation? Do you want your business to compete effectively in a landscape dominated by the Frightful Five (Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft)? Curious how businesses like Booking.com, OpenTable, Airbnb, and Uber used digital to connect with customers? Then you’ve come to the right place. Every week, the Thinks Out Loud Podcast explores what works in the worlds of ecommerce, digital marketing, digital transformation, and digital strategy.
Host Tim Peter offers an insightful look under the hood of some of the world’s top companies and helps you apply their strategies to your business — all in just 20 minutes or less. Why not check out the latest episodes right here — or subscribe in your favorite podcast app today.
Gratitude — 2022 (Thinks Out Loud Episode 365)
It's a relatively quiet week here around Thinks Central as we get ready for Thanksgiving, 2022. As long-time listeners know, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. One huge reason is that…
The Sky is Falling? The State of Digital — Q4 2022 (Thinks Out Loud Episode 364)
It's earnings season again. And the earnings calls from the tech leaders, the AGFAM (Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft), help provide excellent insights into the state of digital each…
Revisiting "Content Distribution Concepts to Help Your Content Marketing Succeed" (Thinks Out Loud)
Most online content is never seen. Google doesn't crawl it. Readers don't read it. Influencers don't share it. And customers don't buy it. As far as most people know, it…
Revisiting Content Marketing in Action (Thinks Out Loud)
Did you know that this podcast is content marketing in action? It is. Really. The team originally launched Thinks Out Loud as an experiment, a way to see if we…
The Future of the Metaverse? (Thinks Out Loud Episode 363)
What is the future of the metaverse? Well, if I'm being perfectly honest, I don't know. What I do know is that there is a framework you can use to…
Your Employees — and Customers — Live in a Different World Now (Thinks Out Loud Episode 362)
Have you heard about "quit quitting?" Do you think "kids these days" don't want to work? Are you even a little bit frustrated by the way your employees approach their…