Want to know more about what drives digital marketing, ecommerce, and digital transformation? Do you want your business to compete effectively in a landscape dominated by the Frightful Five (Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft)? Curious how businesses like Booking.com, OpenTable, Airbnb, and Uber used digital to connect with customers? Then you’ve come to the right place. Every week, the Thinks Out Loud Podcast explores what works in the worlds of ecommerce, digital marketing, digital transformation, and digital strategy.
Host Tim Peter offers an insightful look under the hood of some of the world’s top companies and helps you apply their strategies to your business — all in just 20 minutes or less. Why not check out the latest episodes right here — or subscribe in your favorite podcast app today.
Recapping 2023 Part 2 — Personal Lessons Learned (Thinks Out Loud Episode 407)
Hey, Big Thinkers. It’s time to close out 2023. But before we go, it’s worth taking a look back at what I’ve learned — or at least had reinforced for…
Recapping 2023 — Lessons Learned Professional and Podcast (Thinks Out Loud Episode 406)
2023 has been an amazing year, filled with plenty of positives — as well as plenty of opportunities. So, what have we learned? What are the big lessons from 2023?…
Is It Time for Your Marketing Team to Use AI? (Thinks Out Loud Episode 405)
With all the hype and hope attached to artificial intelligence, it’s worth asking, is it time for your marketing team to use AI? And the simple answer is, “yes.” Actually,…
What "It’s All E-commerce" Means in 2024 (Thinks Out Loud Episode 404)
Your customers live their lives online. They carry the internet in their pockets. We see that in practice every year when Black Friday shopping data comes out. And, what did…
Gratitude 2023 (Thinks Out Loud Episode 403)
Every year around Thanksgiving, I like to take a few minutes to remember how lucky I am. This year is no different. I'm incredibly fortunate. And, I'm incredibly grateful. Why…
What AI Will Do to Content Marketing (Thinks Out Loud Episode 402)
Artificial intelligence is already driving massive changes for Big Tech. It's driving massive change for search engines and search marketing. It's going to drive massive changes for your customers' behaviors.…