Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-25 Essential: 8 Things to Consider Before Using Twitter Lists # @jeffjarvis Keep up the candid, funny and brave posts, Jeff. And hang in there. in reply to jeffjarvis #… Essential: 8 Things to Consider Before Using Twitter Lists # @jeffjarvis Keep up the candid, funny and brave posts, Jeff. And hang in there. in reply to jeffjarvis #…
1 more reason I drive a Honda ;). Ford GPS tech could tell cars when you're going too fast # From the TMI/Social Gone Wild category: I Just Made…
Y'know what? Despite my crappy commute this morning, today is going to rock. # I can't wait: Google and Verizon Share the Android Love # They say there's no…
Forgot my air card today. Wonder if I should try tethering the BlackBerry? # Tethering with BlackBerry working just fine. Took a bit longer than I would have liked, but…
Just read @Mashable Top 5 Business Blogging Mistakes and How to Avoid Them: # RT @TravelV: RT @IncMagazine Create a happy marriage between your company and social media:…