Should your company have a blogging policy?
I need to read Mike Moran more regularly. He's more than brilliant; he's useful. To me, we should all aspire to usefulness. As Garrison Keilor once said , "There are…
I need to read Mike Moran more regularly. He's more than brilliant; he's useful. To me, we should all aspire to usefulness. As Garrison Keilor once said , "There are…
I don't mean in the figurative, "down with it" sense. I mean for real. When will the Web (1.0, 2.0, mobile, what-have-you) achieve dial tone-like availability levels? VOIP, in particular,…
I don't typically read Bob Lefsetz - though I should. You should, too. While he's writing about changing business models in the music industry specifically, his comments translate well to…
Ah, big media. Always willing to fight for the benefit of consumers. This has nothing to do - as the NAB suggests - with "degrad[ing] TV service for consumers" and…
Most of us aren't in the platform business. Or are we? Fred's post asks a really important question for your business model: how do others leverage your product to their…