What's the business value of twitter?
Is Twitter valuable to your business? Yes. Well, maybe. Tweets such as "staring at my navel," "contemplating the universe" or "having a bath" don't do much for a business (or…
Is Twitter valuable to your business? Yes. Well, maybe. Tweets such as "staring at my navel," "contemplating the universe" or "having a bath" don't do much for a business (or…
Fresh on the heels of Facebook's Beacon mess, Google's blows it with Reader. As I mentioned about a week ago, you need to be a good friend when engaging socially…
Isn't it funny that many social networks call the folks you choose to associate with "friends"? How ironic then that Facebook's recent Beacon clusterf... er, kerfuffle was one of the…
Are social aggregators of blogs over? Fred Wilson thinks so. And generally, you won't go wrong listening to what he has to say. What I found disappointing, though, is that…
TechCrunch announced that VibeAgent launched today. Speaking as a guy working for a hotel company, it's pretty cool. The weight VibeAgent gives to reviews to determine search relevance is excellent,…