Marketing Evolution — January 3rd, 2006
Nick Rice has graciously hosted the latest Marketing Evolution Carnival. Lots of good stuff this time around. Check it out... Advertising Valeria Maltoni presents Where’s the Benefit to me? posted…
Nick Rice has graciously hosted the latest Marketing Evolution Carnival. Lots of good stuff this time around. Check it out... Advertising Valeria Maltoni presents Where’s the Benefit to me? posted…
Seth Godin posted this the other day. Brilliant way for building traffic and getting heard. Check out as many as you can and vote for those that resonate for you.
One of the cooler memes running right now is the concept of a manifesto (see here and here). Not wanting to miss out on all the fun, I wanted to…
A friend (a brand manager for a well-known consumer products brand) and I recently got into a debate regarding appropriate goals for specific online marketing activities. He insisted that brand…
Cingular Wireless started a new integtated marketing campaign not long ago talking about how they offer the fewest dropped calls of any company. They do a decent job with execution,…