Reality bites…
A weird pattern is out there today. The whole blogosphere (OK, Robert Scoble, Seth Godin and Fred Wilson), seems to have posts about determining what's real, whether it's press, Pablo…
A weird pattern is out there today. The whole blogosphere (OK, Robert Scoble, Seth Godin and Fred Wilson), seems to have posts about determining what's real, whether it's press, Pablo…
I mentioned the other day that I'm shopping for an interactive agency at work. A couple folks wrote asking how my group approached the effort. Here's what works for us:…
Have you heard about Les Moonves' keynote at CES? Does it sound vaguely familiar? Admittedly, it's way too soon for me to start gloating (even with yesterday's Yahoo/MyBlogLog micro-deal). But…
Om Malik reports that Yahoo bought MyBlogLog yesterday. Should be a nice shot in the arm for one of my favorite companies. Bring on the micro-deals!
Following up on last year's post, here's the 2006 rundown of the sites and services that I plain old refuse to live without. While I limited it to 5 last…