Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-10
- Good idea RT @donttrythis Happy 4th! Every year, I reread the declaration of independence and marvel at its brilliance: #
- Funny. RT @Paisano: G+ could also be a codename for Geocities Plus #
- RT @metsgrrl i will automatically hate you if your twitter stream is full of blather about the window for #mets to trade reyes is closing #
- @metsgrrl Hate is a strong word, but I'd really, really, really dislike 'em. π in reply to metsgrrl #
- RT @lizstrauss @MackCollier NOW Google gets social? Neither Page or Brin follow anyone in G+ #
- Good to hear. Finally. #
- RT @AndrewGirdwood Sergey Brin personally announces the first public algorithm change for Google+ #
- Am I the only one who thinks these "influence indicators" (you know who you are) are a waste of time? #
- RT @leeodden: Facebook Blocks Google+ App, Google Removes Twitter From Real Time Search via Slashdot: #
- Genius! RT @jowyang Most don't realize that Measurement is the over-arching strategy, and "ROI" is only one type of measurement process. #
- Interesting POV on G+ @ceonyc New post: Branding and social spaces: Why Google+ misses the mark #
- RT @MikeMoran July Biznology newsletter: "Does the Internet allow more differentiation?" #
- The mistake of Google+ is that we don't have a soc. network. We have several. FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. *collectively* make up social, no? #
- @clr I'm very much beginning to feel the same way. And even if it's legit, it's a trailing indicator, not predictive. in reply to clr #
- @rgbrownii Agreed. Given more than 140 chars, I could go on for a good long while on what defines social networks today. in reply to rgbrownii #
- I need a Delicious replacement. Any ideas? #
- RT @RickM Good SEO piece from Jill Whalen on Google's Panda update: "How To Avoid the Wrath of Google" #
- RT I want to win a free ticket to @IETraining's 7-Week online, SEOWorkshop! #IETraining #
- Watching the #facebook announcement. Mark could use some presentation tips from @SteveJobs. #
- HAH! RT @marshallk @the_spinmd If I were Google, I'd have re-opened Google+ invites Right. About. Now. [LOL] #
- RT @kevinmarks the metric for the last 5 yrs has been user growth. [what's next] is about what can you build now this wiring is in place #
- #Zuck #facebook Sharing on Facebook doubles every year. Exponential growth in sharing. #
- Indeed. RT @jeffjarvis: Here comes Zuck's law: sharing doubling each year. #
- Zuck: "We're at the elbow of the [social sharing] curve" #facebook #
- Zuck: "4 billion things shared every day." #facebook #
- #Facebook launch: Group chat, New design, Video Calling. #
- How many businesses now block #facebook that would benefit from it using these tools? #
- RT @mattsingley: The biggest problem I see w/ Zuck's exponential graph is that FB users exceed world population in like 3 years. #
- RT @jeffjarvis @mattdebord: Moore's Law = productivity; Zuck's Law = ??? #
- @brimanning Fortunately, we don't know *any* of those. π in reply to brimanning #
- Not sure, given Android, but… RT @BrentDPayne: I'm betting that Zuckerberg will open the Jetson Era more so than Brin or Page. #
- Zuck just handed off to product manager. But finishes with "We're years ahead of anyone else…" on wiring this infrastructure. #
- Group chat launches today. #facebook #
- #AskObama just asked #facebook to move it along. π #
- Here goes live demo of video calling #Facebook Brace yourself. #
- I'm wondering if I'm going to live call with my daughter when she's upstairs and I'm downstairs. #
- Did the developer just hang up on his friend mid-call? That was rude. #facebook #
- Video calling in under 30 seconds in browser on Facebook. Cool. #Facebook #
- @gradiva Not new, but how many people on Facebook are using video chat regularly? Sometimes it's the implementation not the innovation. in reply to gradiva #
- #Facebook and #skype talking about the emotional benefits of video calling. Maybe they *did* get lessons from @SteveJobs. #
- RT @dannysullivan: With FB video chat, can talk to others like w GTalk. Awesome. Not more than 1 person at a time #
- Funny RT @ByteEngine Did Zuck say when the CDs will be sent out in the mail, so I can connect to the internet? #facebook #aol #dejavu #
- Zuck "Could not be built without the social infrastructure we have built here." #facebook He's probably right. #
- @gradiva Consider the source. How old is Zuck? We're *all* old compared to him. π in reply to gradiva #
- Saw Zuck's sister last week at #HITEC and now Zuck today. Clearly, smart. But #Facebook still not very mature as a company. #
- "Will users switch from #Skype to #facebook because of this?" Skype CEO: "No. Long term outweighs any downside." #
- Classic RT @jeffjarvis For watching a live event such as the Super Awesome #FB announcement, Twitter still more useful. Chronology matters. #
- @CNETNews asks the mobile question. Nice one. "Not yet" is Zuck's answer for everything except group chat. #
- RT @feliciaday I'm not particularly vain but this video chat technology makes me think, "UGH, so I gotta do my hair and makeup every day?! #
- Agreed RT @jillwhalen I'd like you to be able to be visible on FB chat to only certain people. Seems now it's all or none, so I keep it off #
- Funny RT @mollywood: Hey, you know what I'm pretty excited about right this second? Google +. #notawesome #p #
- RT @RobertKCole "Every App is going to be social. Our job is to make the best service" Zuck re @google + comparison #
- @ducttape If we're all using this in 6 months, would that qualify as "awesome"? Maybe it's a question of who it's awesome for. in reply to ducttape #
- Is #AskObama waiting for Zuck to stop talking? #
- RT @ConanOBrien: 6 years ago Newscorp bought MySpace for $580M. Last week they sold it for $35M. Today I saw it on eBay for 88 bucks. #
- Love the snarky Republican congressmen's questions at #AskObama Way to keep it classy guys. #
- Not sure if I can watch #AskObama without losing my patience in political process. #Congress seems pretty dysfunctional to me. #
- @RepPaulBrounMD What makes you think we can solve deficit without revenue increases? #
- @jack giving @BarackObama some sass during #AskObama #
- Only when he uses it. RT @jdickerson: The pres is sending a Tweet from a computer with a presidential seal. Does that make it Laptop One? #
- @baratunde @barackobama It's like RT'ing yourself. Not cool, Mr. President. in reply to baratunde #
- @dmscott Nice one. Good question. #
- RT @QueenofSpain: President says he wants immigrants coming to the country to stay to build instead of leaving and building outside the us #
- @shashib I don't think we can change behavior. Why not make the vehicles work better? in reply to shashib #
- @johnboehner Mr. Speaker, many corporations are seeing record profits. Shouldn't we be asking CEO's where the jobs are, too? #
- Why is @jack dressed like one of the folks on Mad Men? #
- RT @baratunde: Can u imagine a world in which Dems & GOP tried to out-compete each other on ways to cut fossil energy dependence? #askobama #
- Funny. RT @bmull: Next week, I hope @BarackObama will be DJing in the Coding Soundtrack room on @turntablefm. #
- No surprise here. Almost by default, mobile is social. Google+ sneaks NFC into its Android app #
- RT @revenuebydesign: Join the #reputation mgmt webinar today with @RateGain me @tcpeter See new BrandGain report #
- We've just kicked off our #reputation management webinar with @RateGain @revenuebydesign and me. Join here: #
- Nothing like NYC. I just discovered a new smell in the back of my taxi. #
- @twleung Any chance you'd slide me one? in reply to twleung #
- @nitin Nice one. in reply to nitin #
- @phillymac G'night, sir. Sleep well. in reply to phillymac #
- Does your workflow work? Good idea from Seth Godin. #
- RT @TomRaftery: Looks like Google has opened the door for people to get in, if you have an invite which didn't work before, try it now… #
- I just got into Google+. No opinion yet, of course. But I plan to spend a bunch of time with it over the weekend. #
- "We're not ending a journey. We're closing a chapter." #shuttle #SpaceShuttle #
- RT @digiphile @schierholz Godspeed #Atlantis #sts135 Our hearts are with you on this mission @astro_ferg @astro_doug @astro_rex @Astro_Sandy #
- RT @samdecker: RT @mattcraine: Tweeted 56k times and 4,850,000 views in an hour. That's impressive — NASA HD-TV – #
- RT @hharteveldt @rwang0: On the shoulders of the space shuttle America will continue the dream #atlantis @nasatweetup #sts135 <- well said #
- Wow. iTunes on shuffle just found Crash Test Dummies: Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm. Such a strange song. #
- Nice one from @RandFish that marries three of my favorite topics: SEO 101 for Travel Bloggers #
- I'm not a "numerology" guy at all. But this is interesting. The oddest day of year is July 9, 2011: 7/9/11 #
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