Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-20
- Great piece by @johnjantsch 5 Ways to Use Social Media to Amplify Your Content #
- @peterking Good point: Giants are 2-6 in their past eight. Allowed 32 points a game in those eight outings. Coughlin has to do something. #
- First Facebook…RT: Mashable Facebook Now Has Its Own URL Shortener – #
- Then Google… RT @Zee: Breaking: Now Google has its own URL Shortener. on @appetiteblog #
- @monkchips First time I've seen that 'chinposin' look. Nice one. in reply to monkchips #
- Cute: RT @graywolf: interesting @paulshort … wonder if this is 1st step to google eliminating all non google URL's #
- And cuter still RT @Paisano: spells in city #
- @RobertKCole Your thoughts? RT @stephenjoyce @kevinlukemay Will Google Wave kill the trip planning sites? I say no. #
- @TheRopolitans Why isn't Bay a good fit? Besides Citi being a pitcher's park? (And, believe it or not, that's not meant to be sarcastic) in reply to TheRopolitans #
- Worth the read: Facebook's New Privacy Changes: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly | Electronic Frontier Foundation #
- @TheRopolitans Doesn't that make him fit right in? 😉 in reply to TheRopolitans #
- Not An Onion Headline: Health Insurers Caught Paying Facebook Gamers Virtual Currency To Oppose Reform Bill #
- A Seth Godin classic – define: Brand #
- @steverubel Nice recap of Le Web: Three Observations from Le Web #
- I am some kind of outlier here….Commuting: The daily drudge | The Economist #
- Just tried RT on Twitter (as opposed to a client) for the first time.That didn't work the way I thought it would. #
- @timnorton See: Facebook's New Privacy Changes: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly | Electronic Frontier Foundation in reply to timnorton #
- @googletravel Check out @leadinghotels for your hotel category. in reply to googletravel #
- Nice one. RT @jackiehuba: Can your strategic plan fit on 1-page? Here's how: (via @benmcconnell) #
- 8 Years Later, the Blogging Goes On from @gigaom #
- @charleneli What about niche social networks? For instance, I sell luxury hotels online and we pay a lot of attention to A Small World #sm38 in reply to charleneli #
- Genius! RT @megfowler: too many business advisers, not enough business doers. #
- @charleneli Lose relevance because of lack of mass? But isn't that the appeal of like-minded communities? #sm38 in reply to charleneli #
- @charleneli Niche may struggle but if the niche is sufficiently "exclusive" (i.e., professional, income) I'd think that's good. #sm38 in reply to charleneli #
- @ValynP Thanks, Valyn! I appreciate it. in reply to ValynP #
- Congratultions! RT @jeffjarvis: Woot: What Would Google Do? wins 800CEOread award as best book in big ideas category. #
- RT @ValynP @RobertKCole: @googletravel Suggest: @kevinlukemay @denschaal @timothychughes @tcpeter @hharteveldt @stephenjoyce @ValynP #
- Good read: @MikeMoran Latest post on Search Engine Guide: "Is your site ready for search marketing?" #
- Cool… RT @TheGrok: New Google Ad Types for 2010 – with @Szetela and @TheGrok #
- I completely agree. RT @davefleet: Thoughts on "McDonald's content" and social search: #
- Introducing my kids to Pet Sounds. Said my younger, "Cool beans." #
- Reading SEO for Multilingual Marketing #
- BTW, Ben Folds is cracking me up on this #SingOff show. Killing me. #
- The most recent group voted off #SingOff (no spoilers) deserves to be gone for their swan song alone. Just sayin'. #
- @steverubel See, if you were a #Mets fan, you'd be treated better. 😉 in reply to steverubel #
- Cool. RT @TheGrok: Simple and elegant tool to see how others view your website: Google's Browser Size – #
- @bkbarr This one's for you: #
- Reading: Get Ready For The Google Branded Chrome OS Netbook #
- Funny. RT @phillymac: The best part of waking up… wait, there's a best part? No, no. Need more sleeeeeep. #fb #
- @phillymac Good morning, Mr. Phil. How's the Mrs. Mac and the many little Maclets? in reply to phillymac #
- Still reading through Morgan Stanley's Mobile Internet report. A lot of thought-provoking stuff there. #
- C'mon. This has got to be a joke: New Fax-to-Twitter Service Helps Old People Tweet, Wastes Paper [VIDEO] #
- Guy on train just made phone call, asked someone to login to his Yahoo mail for him, then gave both his username and password. WTH?!? #
- @MikeMoran @CharleneLi and @DuctTape are 3 outstanding social media and marketing superstars worthy of your #followfriday. #
- @steverubel @jowyang I gave up Twitter after my first few weeks because I knew (KNEW!) that it was "just a fad." Ahem. I stand corrected. in reply to steverubel #
- RT @jeffjarvis: Google's synchronicity: its latest moves in mobile/local and search intent adding up to a new strategy: #
- Who knew there was supposed to be so much snow this weekend. Crap. Methinks I should have done more Christmas shopping already. #
- Mythbusters Rube Goldberg. What more needs saying? #
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