Thinks Out Loud Named One of the Best Ecommerce Podcasts to Grow Your Store

Recently, Ecommerce Tech recognized Thinks Out Loud, the podcast hosted by Tim Peter and Associates founder and president, Tim Peter, in their comprehensive list of best ecommerce podcasts to grow your store. They noted that Tim:
…offers lots of tips on the changing trends and tech that you need to stay on top of your Ecommerce business.
Ecommerce Tech described the show as “very future focused” and added that:
. . . each episode explores the rapidly shifting digital marketplace and uncovers tips to help you put those trends to work to improve your brand and business. Thinks Out Loud also looks at how mobile and social shape your customers’ activities online and how you can develop the right marketing and customer experience strategies to drive growth for your organization.
To see their full list of podcasts, check out the full article here. And be sure to tune in to Thinks Out Loud each week for your update on all things digital marketing.
If you’re looking to learn even more about how changing customer behavior will shape your marketing going forward, be sure to register to receive a special report I’ve produced in conjunction with hotel marketing firm Vizergy, “Digital Hotel Marketing in a Multiscreen World.” While it’s targeted specifically at hotel and resort marketers, the lessons apply to just about any business. You can get your free copy of the report here.
You might also want to check out these slides I had the pleasure of presenting recently about the key trends shaping marketing in the next year. Here are the slides for your reference:
(And, yes… you can hire me to speak at your next event, too).
Finally, you might enjoy some of these past posts from Thinks to help you build your e-commerce strategy and your digital success:
- Hey, Hotel Marketers: What’s Holding Mobile Bookings Back?
- Digital Marketing Consulting Services
- Great Marketing Technology Won’t Save You From a Bad Hotel Marketing Strategy
- Why Mobile Payments Will Rule
- Mobile is So Much Bigger Than You Think (Thinks Out Loud Episode 140)
- It’s Not “Mobile First.” It’s “Customer First.”
- 8 Killer Entries About Improving E-commerce Experience: E-commerce Link Digest
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