Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul by Howard Schultz (Book Review of the Week-ish)
Howard Schultz's Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul reviewed.
EyeForTravel says search still rules travel marketing. According to the article, "A massive 60% of Travel industry marketing gurus still rank search as the number 1 way to drive traffic.…
Coming on the heels of Expedia's proposed spin-off of TripAdvisor, it looks like another player in the online travel review/transaction space is gaining access to deeper pockets. The New York…
Good presentation by @atkinsdavid: Building a Digital Strategy within Travel. http://slidesha.re/e0Dk7D # Um... wow. Researchers successfully teleported information. Fast data transmission coming. http://t.co/GRyHQfP via @engadget # Would you buy an…