4 ways to get better at anything…
A funny thing happened to me today. I got accused of putting down a new idea because I didn't understand it. While I think I neither misunderstood, nor belittled the…
A funny thing happened to me today. I got accused of putting down a new idea because I didn't understand it. While I think I neither misunderstood, nor belittled the…
Oh, Anne. I'm a huge fan. Always have been. Likely will remain so. You often provide amazing insight into the meaning of work in an increasingly connected society. Imagine my…
Cnet published an article Friday outlining the latest spat between Slingbox and Major League Baseball. As I noted a year ago - almost to the day, no less - the…
Another Seth item today. Too many companies focus on price alone, causing their customers - potential or otherwise - to do the same. He wants to know what, besides price,…
Seth points out who to hire. Here's how to hire. Find the folks with: Passion for the job A willingness to learn Spirit of teamwork Solid, consistent demonstration of the…