SideStep Acquires Travel Social Network TripUp
SideStep Acquires Travel Social Network TripUp
SideStep Acquires Travel Social Network TripUp
Whither the page view? Steve Rubel points out that metrics across the board need to reflect the current reality and Richard MacManus provides some useful alternative metrics. Page views have…
Getting people to care about your brand, particularly when you’re asking them for time/money/what-have-you, is exceedingly difficult. And it’s getting harder to get your customers’ attention. Which is a pity,…
Neal Stephenson is not the greatest writer in history. He may not even represent the best writer of the 21st Century. Hell, he may not even be the greatest writer…
Folks, with the impeding Independence Day holiday in the States, I’ll be taking a few days off from posting. If you’re here in the U.S., enjoy your holiday. For those…