Disintermediation. And possible solutions…
I don't typically read Bob Lefsetz - though I should. You should, too. While he's writing about changing business models in the music industry specifically, his comments translate well to…
I don't typically read Bob Lefsetz - though I should. You should, too. While he's writing about changing business models in the music industry specifically, his comments translate well to…
Ah, big media. Always willing to fight for the benefit of consumers. This has nothing to do - as the NAB suggests - with "degrad[ing] TV service for consumers" and…
Seth Godin writes, "...when we start delivering numbers with that level of accuracy, people can't help but believe them." I'm a big believer in analytics and using data to support…
A study reported in the BBC claims Facebook is bad for business and recommends companies block access. For real? This sounds a lot like the talk we all heard when…
I agree with Avinash's assessment on who to hire completely. However, I never hire without remembering Warren Buffett: "Somebody once said that in looking for people to hire, you look…