Twitter Updates for 2009-08-17
@s_rajan Thanks for the retweet! Glad you enjoyed the piece. in reply to s_rajan # It never fails: content is king. CBS, Amazon Already Sniffing Around GDGT #…
@s_rajan Thanks for the retweet! Glad you enjoyed the piece. in reply to s_rajan # It never fails: content is king. CBS, Amazon Already Sniffing Around GDGT #…
Sunday morning car wash. Big fun. # To quote Biloxi Blues: "It's like Africa hot." And it's only noon. I see a 3PM movie in my future. # NYT with…
@megfowler I'm pretty sure Earth, Wind and Fire never had a bad song. Great band. in reply to megfowler # Reading The Starfish and The Spider. Which 1 is Twitter…
Happy Friday, Big Thinkers! You made it to another weekend. This week, we're going to take a quick look at what's making news in social, local, and mobile marketing. We…
Not mine, though, I'm sure: TWITTER ANALYSIS: 40% of Tweets Are Pointless Babble # Huh. I have no comment on this. Social Media + Wearing Shirts = Lucrative Career?…