"Different: Escaping the Competitive Herd" by Youngme Moon (Book Review of the Week-ish)
What separates you from your competition? And did you know that even bottled water companies can answer that question? Seriously. Bottled water.
I suspect there’s more that separates you from your competition than anything they’ve got. But, have you told your customers about it? More important, have you identified it for yourself?
Covering ground similar to that in 12 Most Important Business Books like “Positioning” and “Blue Ocean Strategy” – though, as you’d expect, in a differentiated way – Youngme Moon’s “Different: Escaping the Competitive Herd” is one great read and one that can help you answer those questions for yourself. Moon brings an scholar’s sense of exploration and discovery blended with the frankness and humor of Malcolm Gladwell’s best work.
For example, her description of Hummer’s competitive positioning (a legitimate laugh out loud moment), is damn near worth the price of the book itself.
Moon offers a solid, usable framework, while also acknowledging that, by its very definition, no one framework can accommodate every type of differentiation. Instead, the book is thought-provoking, challenging the reader to apply its lessons to their own business and in their own way. It’s light on specific actions, but will likely change the way you look at your competitive positioning.
In all, “Different” is a unique book and one that would make a valuable addition to your bookshelf
. That is, as long as you’re ready to make a difference in your business.
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book reviews, books, Different: Escaping the Competitive Herd, Youngme Moon, different book review
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