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7 Outstanding Hospitality Marketing Insights: The Top Posts from February

7 Outstanding Hospitality Marketing Insights: the Top Posts from FebruaryWell, Big Thinkers, it’s time once again to collect the very best hospitality marketing, e-commerce, and distribution posts from the past month here on Thinks. And is this your lucky day or what? Based on what you and your fellow Big Thinkers read and reviewed, liked and linked to, shared and, um… well, shared anyway, these are, by far, the very best posts from this February. Without further ado, take a few minutes to review each of these 7 outstanding hospitality marketing insights: the top posts from February. Enjoy:

  1. At the top of this month’s list, we’ve got these “5 Outstanding Posts to Kick-off a Successful Hotel Marketing Week” one of my weekly Hospitality Marketing Link Digests (part of the overall E-commerce Link Digest series). A great round-up to lead off a great round-up, eh?
  2. Equally popular among your fellow Big Thinkers are these “3 Keys to Compete with OTA’s in 2015 and Beyond.” I can’t recommend this one enough.
  3. Another Hospitality Marketing Link Digest cruises into the #3 position, this one a collection of “7 Hot Hotel Marketing Insights” that you won’t want to miss.
  4. The next post on the list features “CEO Darren Huston from Priceline Explaining Why Driving Brand Value Matters.” A very worthwhile read.
  5. The biggest travel marketing, e-commerce and distribution news from February centered around Expedia’s acquisition of Orbitz. And the next post on our list explains “What the Expedia-Orbitz Deal Means for Your Hotel.”
  6. Two more Hospitality Marketing Link Digests are up next, the first aggregating “4 Award-Worthy Hospitality Marketing Posts” and the second collecting “6 Superb Hotel Marketing Insights.” Both are worth your time.
  7. Finally, few activities help you market your hotel better than providing a great guest experience. But, in this look at “How the Best Hotels Own the Guest” you can learn how to complement great experiences with an overall approach to owning those guests’ loyalties, for life. Definitely something you’ll want to check out.

Of course, if you want to gain even more learnings from our past posts, be sure to check out these 6 Winning Travel Marketing Posts: The Top Hospitality Marketing Posts from January, the “6 Top Travel Marketing Posts from November” and “9 Must-Read Marketing and E-commerce Gems: The Top Posts from October.” Plus, you’ll probably enjoy these “7 Remarkable Posts about Mobile Marketing in Travel” and these “7 Brilliant Insights into Mobile Travel E-commerce” from our hospitality marketing link digests (part of the ongoing E-commerce Link Digest series).

And if you’re looking to learn even more about how changing guest behavior shapes hospitality marketing, e-commerce, and distribution, be sure an register to receive a special report I’ve produced in conjunction with hotel marketing firm Vizergy, “Digital Hotel Marketing in a Multiscreen World.” While it’s targeted specifically at hotel and resort marketers, the lessons apply to just about any business. You can get your free copy of the report here.

You might also want to take a moment to review the slides from my recent webinar, “Digital Marketing Directions 2015: Three Key Trends Driving Your Hotel Marketing Next Year” here:

(And, yes… you can hire me to speak at your next event, too).

Finally, you will definitely want to check out some of our past coverage of the mobile, local, social web and how to make it work for your business, including:

Tim Peter is the founder and president of Tim Peter & Associates. You can learn more about our company's strategy and digital marketing consulting services here or about Tim here.

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